Ringing in the New Year with Recovery 2019

Congratulations to the planning and service committees who worked together to put on the 2019 New Year’s Day luncheon! This event marks another special chapter in our fellowship.

Imagine groups of compulsive overeaters gathered in small circles around beautifully dressed tables, sharing their experience, strength, and hope. It was evident that much thought and care was put into the menu to be sure that members had options to put together an abstinent meal to enjoy with their fellows.

The presentation included shares from the intergroup and three members who shared their stories and their experience with powerlessness around food. This was followed by some quiet time accompanied by soulful music, when fellows had the opportunity to write letters to their Higher Power and a letter from their Higher Power to themselves. These letters were sealed in envelopes addressed to themselves and will be delivered later in the year.

The final activity was a powerful “angel walk” exercise where each member had the opportunity to walk blindfolded through a gauntlet of supportive fellows who whispered scripted prompts into their ear, sharing messages of love, hope, and affirmation. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the planning and execution of this special event and to everyone who attended. If you are looking for a place to start your year out with a burst of fellowship and hope, this is it.

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